main collections

the two meet, overlap, blend. the first is the homage, a piece of architecture left as a gift by those who lived before us, that is still there, for us to enjoy and discover. the second is the bystander, the one who is experiencing the homage and among all the other people around is in addition the hero of the many shots taken. the images, shot in multitude, later overlap on each other in post editing, blending together, flowing into a single image that recaps the whole shooting. eventually it all becomes one single piece of artwork that is looking forward to rendering movement.

we are all a mere number. out of the blue we suddenly find ourselves flowing with no boundaries in deep uncertainty about our near future, unable to predict any outcome. we are spinning with no clue on destination, things around feel almost ethereal, as wrapped up in utter silence, deep and extraordinary. no more unicity to make us special, no more distinct identities, the sharp lines once defining each of us are now melting and fading away. this pandemic abruptly levels differences of age, gender, religious beliefs, occupation or social status. we temporarily lose ourselves on behalf of the community. only the greater good counts now.

previous collections

well, let's play a little. the bluffr collection narrates a fantasy world where the eternal city is represented by surreal architecture and the almost if not total absence of human presence. at times the elements in the images may even trick you into thinking that they might be real, as the clean shapes and peculiar colors seduce your imagination and swiftly lead you away. call it a bluff, that subtle, imperceptible deception you do not catch at first, but later provokes you. if even for a split second you were gone, then our work is done, and we are at peace.

exploring a tiny world apart. minuscule, unnoticed, rather ignored, at least most of the times, the macro world hides beauty and perfection, unlimited creativity and revelation. the hues you discover when dwelling in nature are infinite, the shapes elegant as much as abrupt and candid. when observing the minuscule interactions that take place within, you lose track of time and reference, you are upside down, like no gravity exists, you are kidnapped with no willingness to come back. the work we do and the images we take does not do justice though, therefore it is incessantly evolving and likely imperfect when compared to reality.

reality as it is. no fuss, no muss. the realible collection is there to report reality, with the imperceptible intent of deceit every now and then on the overall mood and feel only. no more than that, as the city is beautiful, showing off its magic on its own, so no need to add artefacts of any sort. every view is precious and unique, beauty is everywhere, each sight lures you into the next. eventually the heart and the mind want you to bring a piece of it home, so you can remember it all and reminisce at your convenience. the realible collection is there with this purpose in mind.

| © 2013 - 2024  nelly schneider | all rights reserved |